Στο τούνελ με τις «αρκούδες» έχουν εισέλθει τα διεθνή χρηματιστήρια ..(23 Sept 2011 !)
7 Reasons Why the Big, Bad Bear Will Return (αλλά δύο χρόνια πριν !1)Posted by Matt.... in April 8th, 2009 !!!
#1: The Banking Crisis Still isn’t Fixed … It’s Getting Worse!Reason
#2: Job Losses are the Worst Since the Great DepressionReason
#3: The Deleveraging of the U.S. Credit Bubble Has Already Begun. And It isn’t Pretty …Reason
#4: Credit Cards are ImplodingReason
#5: It’s Probably WA-A-A-AY Too Soon To Call a Bottom in the Housing MarketReason
#6: It’s a GLOBAL RecessionReason
#7: The Market is Bearish Until Proven Otherwise
After four weeks of gains, the market has been on a slippery slope this week. Still, we could see stocks rally though the end of this month or even longer. But the bear is out there, my friends. Here are seven reasons why …>>
After four weeks of gains, the market has been on a slippery slope this week. Still, we could see stocks rally though the end of this month or even longer. But the bear is out there, my friends. Here are seven reasons why …>>