Serbia seeks probe into Kosovan organ trafficking 20/12 19:43 CET
Serbia has said it is willing to talk with leaders in Pristina over Kosovo’s future status, but have also demanded an investigation into alleged organ trafficking during its drive for independence.A report last week by Council of Europe investigator Dick Marty, suggested Kosovo’s prime minister Hashim Thaci was behind the illegal trade. Thaci’s vowed to sue.‘‘Dick Marty must find some good lawyers, if he is able to, to protect him, because under no circumstances will he escape from justice and this crystal clear slander,’‘ he said.Kidney’s as well as other organs were allegedly taken from Serbs and other opponents of rebel Kosovar forces during Kosovo’s war of succession in 1999.Serbian President Boris Tadic said the report ‘‘created a completely new situation’‘ and showed there were not only crimes committed by Serbs in Kosovo during the conflict.Kosovo’s Western-backed prime minister Thaci has vehemently denied the accusations which are alleged to have taken place in neighbouring Albania in the late 1990s.

Wesley Clark ..>>>
Members of the Kosovo Liberation Army escort Serb prisoners in southern Kosovo. Carla Del Ponte, chief prosecutor in her book "the Hunt" describes that were slautered for their organs

One room in that yellow house, according to the journalists, was used for involuntary surgeries, where the prisoners' organs were extracted.
Afterwards, the organs, according to the sources, were sent abroad from Mother Teresa airport in Tirana where they were used in transplantations for Western patients who could afford to pay for it.
The victims who had one kidney removed at first were returned to the same barrack to wait to be taken to a butcher block again, for other vital organs, and be killed.
"In this way, the other camp prisoners knew about the destiny that awaits them. According to the sources, they begged, in terror, to be killed at once," Del Ponte says.
Del Ponte reports that, "according to reliable information," after the Kosovo war ended in June 1999 rebels with the ethnic Albanian Kosovo Liberation Army (KLA) took up to 300 prisoners, mostly Serbs, to the northern Albanian cities of Kukes and Tropoja, where they were locked into warehouses and barracks. From there, the youngest and strongest men were taken to a village near Burrel, according to Del Ponte.Eight supposed eyewitnesses described, independently of one another, similar details of a yellow house with a room on the ground floor that was used as a makeshift operating room. According to these accounts, a doctor, a Kosovar from Pec with a "noticeable hooked nose," removed the organs from up to 50 prisoners in this house. The organs were allegedly then taken to the airport in Tirana and flown to other countries, where well-to-do patients were already waiting for transplantation.However, the sensational story, the most gruesome part of Del Ponte's memories, came to nothing. The Swiss government ordered the lawyer, who is her country's ambassador to Argentina today, not to discuss the case. Her former press secretary distanced herself from Del Ponte, claiming that she had been spreading rumors and lacked evidence.
It seemed time to visit the scene.
The village near Burrel is called Rribe, and it can only be reached via a rough gravel road. The alleged house of horrors is not just at the end of the village, but literally marks the end of civilization. Behind the building, the road ends in a steep slope covered with bushes and undergrowth. At the bottom of the slope is a riverbed, which the residents of the house seem to use as a garbage dump. Behind it is a seemingly endless landscape of hills and mountains.
Afterwards, the organs, according to the sources, were sent abroad from Mother Teresa airport in Tirana where they were used in transplantations for Western patients who could afford to pay for it.
The victims who had one kidney removed at first were returned to the same barrack to wait to be taken to a butcher block again, for other vital organs, and be killed.
"In this way, the other camp prisoners knew about the destiny that awaits them. According to the sources, they begged, in terror, to be killed at once," Del Ponte says.
Del Ponte reports that, "according to reliable information," after the Kosovo war ended in June 1999 rebels with the ethnic Albanian Kosovo Liberation Army (KLA) took up to 300 prisoners, mostly Serbs, to the northern Albanian cities of Kukes and Tropoja, where they were locked into warehouses and barracks. From there, the youngest and strongest men were taken to a village near Burrel, according to Del Ponte.Eight supposed eyewitnesses described, independently of one another, similar details of a yellow house with a room on the ground floor that was used as a makeshift operating room. According to these accounts, a doctor, a Kosovar from Pec with a "noticeable hooked nose," removed the organs from up to 50 prisoners in this house. The organs were allegedly then taken to the airport in Tirana and flown to other countries, where well-to-do patients were already waiting for transplantation.However, the sensational story, the most gruesome part of Del Ponte's memories, came to nothing. The Swiss government ordered the lawyer, who is her country's ambassador to Argentina today, not to discuss the case. Her former press secretary distanced herself from Del Ponte, claiming that she had been spreading rumors and lacked evidence.
It seemed time to visit the scene.
The village near Burrel is called Rribe, and it can only be reached via a rough gravel road. The alleged house of horrors is not just at the end of the village, but literally marks the end of civilization. Behind the building, the road ends in a steep slope covered with bushes and undergrowth. At the bottom of the slope is a riverbed, which the residents of the house seem to use as a garbage dump. Behind it is a seemingly endless landscape of hills and mountains.
House of horrors for SERBS
Serbians kidnapped for organs?
What is the role of Thaci ? Thaci...
Serbians kidnapped for organs?
What is the role of Thaci ? Thaci...
An old house in Albania has drawn worldwide attention with gruesome accusations that Serbian prisoners had their organs cut out to be sold on the black market for transplants. Serbian War Crimes prosecutors and UN investigators suspect Kosovo Liberation Army supporters of committing the alleged atrocities. Serbian war crimes prosecutor Bruno Vekaric says he’s got more evidence for a story that keeps throwing up new twists. “We have evidence that there was an operating room in a certain yellow house,” Vekaric said. Last year, the former United Nations war crimes prosecutor Carla Del Ponte claimed Serb war prisoners had been kidnapped for their body parts. But now it seems she knew only half the story. “An UNMIK (The United Nations Interim Administration Mission in Kosovo) report that we got through our own channels said they found a couple of bottles of penicillin in that very house. There’s not enough proof to say there was an operating room, but the investigation is now on and we are trying to find out what really happened,” said the prosecutor.The alleged crimes took place in the remote villages of northern Albania. New evidence suggests the same could have happened in the country’s capital, Tirana, and even in Macedonia. According to Del Ponte, Serb prisoners were brought to Ripp village in 1999 by Kosovo Liberation Army fighters. She said they then cut out their organs and sold them on the black market, which provides around one-fifth of the 70, 000 kidneys transplanted around the world. The claims zero in on one house in particular, a house identified through satellite imagery. It’s well hidden, and has been dubbed “the house of horrors” or the “yellow house." It’s since been painted white, and the resident family is furious over the allegations.“Our family has lived in this house for generations, and we were all here during the time these crimes were supposed to take place, we haven’t done anything wrong,” said Mersim Katuci who lives in the “yellow house."But that’s not what United Nations investigators are saying. Five years ago, they conducted their own search, and found bloodstains on one of the basement walls, and medical equipment lying on the ground nearby: syringes, drip bags, and a muscle relaxant pump had been thrown there. “The blood stains are from when my daughter-in-law gave birth,” said Abdulla Katuci, another resident of the “house of horrors." “I’ve no idea where the medical equipment came from. We are innocent, simple people. If we are guilty, lock us up in chains, but this is worse – to have the accusations with no proof."He says that as many as seventeen people from the UN came to their house. “They forced us outside for two days, and put strange chemicals around. They had shovels, and took some parts of my wooden floor with them. I don’t think anybody’s house in Albania has been checked like mine,” said Katuci. All of Del Ponte’s eight eyewitnesses have since disappeared. But they all claimed the same thing – that the killings took place in the basement of the house.One of the places the investigators checked was the local cemetery. They wanted to dig up the bodies here to see if there was any evidence. But the villagers were up in arms, and because they lacked proof, they had to bury the idea.Villagers are adamant the crimes could not have happened. They claim the area was almost impassable in those days, and point out that if something like organ harvesting was taking place, someone would have seen something.“Each day, they would drive to the border to look for proof of the genocide of Serbs. Scientifically, it’s impossible it happened there,” believes village doctor Agif Bruci. “An organ for transplant has to be done in a hospital. Why would someone choose a house so far away from any hospital or airport? What’s more, Albania only did its first kidney transplant this year, and with foreign assistance.” But the case is far from being closed and is being reexamined by the Council of Europe. And the European Union’s mission in Kosovo, Eulex, has just announced it plans to conduct its own investigation into a case that divides a nation and the international community
The Serbians war prisoners , were abducted to Albania and Kosovo and in special houses were "operated" for organs in most cases without even narcosis (Mengele style) and all vital organs were removed and sold in b;lack market. This is the way Thaci was financing his war in Kosovo.
Carla Del Ponte, former prosecutor of the International Criminal Tribunal for the Former Yugoslavia (ICTY), has exhausted the patience of the invariably calm Swiss Federal Department of Foreign Affairs, where she works. She received a message ordering her to immediately return to her position as ambassador to Argentina, and banning her presence at the launch of her new book, "The Hunt: Me and War Criminals," which was scheduled for early April in Milan. "Any public presentation of this work is incompatible with the author's status of a Swiss ambassador...Carla Del Ponte's book...contains statements, which are unacceptable for a representative of the government of Switzerland,"
The Serbians war prisoners , were abducted to Albania and Kosovo and in special houses were "operated" for organs in most cases without even narcosis (Mengele style) and all vital organs were removed and sold in b;lack market. This is the way Thaci was financing his war in Kosovo.
Carla Del Ponte, former prosecutor of the International Criminal Tribunal for the Former Yugoslavia (ICTY), has exhausted the patience of the invariably calm Swiss Federal Department of Foreign Affairs, where she works. She received a message ordering her to immediately return to her position as ambassador to Argentina, and banning her presence at the launch of her new book, "The Hunt: Me and War Criminals," which was scheduled for early April in Milan. "Any public presentation of this work is incompatible with the author's status of a Swiss ambassador...Carla Del Ponte's book...contains statements, which are unacceptable for a representative of the government of Switzerland,"
Ανατριχιαστικά στοιχεία για αφαίρεση οργάνων από Σέρβους αιχμαλώτους του Απελευθερωτικού Στρατού του Κοσσυφοπεδίου (ΑΣΚ ή UCK) και πώλησή τους στο εξωτερικό, δίνει στην αυτοβιογραφία της, που μόλις κυκλοφόρησε, η Κάρλα ντελ Πόντε.
Η πρώην γενική εισαγγελέας του Διεθνούς Δικαστηρίου της Χάγης για τα εγκλήματα στην πρώην Γιουγκοσλαβία και τώρα πρεσβευτής της Ελβετίας στην Αργεντινή, υποστηρίζει παραθέτοντας μαρτυρίες ότι το 1999, μετά το τέλος του πολέμου, περίπου 300 Σέρβοι της επαρχίας απήχθησαν από τον ΑΣΚ και μεταφέρθηκαν σε «κλινική»-στρατόπεδο συγκέντρωσης της κεντρικής Αλβανίας, όπου τους αφαίρεσαν όργανα και μετά τους σκότωσαν. Στις περισσότερες περιπτωσεις στην τελικη φάση οιεγχειρήσεις γίνόντουσαν χωρίς νάρκωση .. άλλα με απλα μυοχαλαρωτικά , οι δε κρατουμενοι παρακαλούσαννα τους σκοτώσουν το γρηγορότερο. Περιγράφει, μάλιστα, στην αυτοβιογραφία της «Η καταδίωξη - Εγώ και οι εγκληματίες πολέμου», το αποτέλεσμα αυτοψίας στην «κλινική»: αίματα, σύριγγες, φάρμακα, μυοχαλαρωτικά, γάζες...
Mπράβο στην Ε που ανέδειξε το θέμα... ενα θεμα επιμελώς θαμένο απο τα ΜΜΕ>>>

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