Oι Koυρδοι Peshmerga του Μασούντ Μπαρζανί στο ΙΡΑΚ συμμετέχουν ενεργά στην κλοπή του ΙΡΑΚΙΝΟΥ Πετρελαίου απο την ISIS εφόσον το μεγαλύτερο μερος του διακινείται από την Κουρδική πόλη Zakho στα συνορα ΙΡΑΚ - Τουρκίας. Εκεί μάλιστα κλείνονται και οι εμπορικές συμφωνίες με 15-18 $ το βαρελι . Για άλλη μια φορά ξεμπροστιαζεται το βρωμικο παιχνίδι που παίζει το καθεστως Μπαρζανι ακροβατώντας μεταξυ ΗΠΑ - Τουρκίας και ISIS

[The oil is extracted from Dir A-Zur in Syria and two fields in Iraq and transported to the Kurdish city of Zakhu in a triangle of land near the borders of Syria, Iraq and Turkey. Israeli and Turkish mediators come to the city and when prices are agreed, the oil is smuggled to the Turkish city of Silop marked as originating from Kurdish regions of Iraq and sold for $15-18 per barrel (WTI and Brent Crude currently sell for $41 and $45 per barrel) to the Israeli mediator, a man in his 50s with dual Greek-Israeli citizenship known as Dr. Farid. He transports the oil via several Turkish ports and then onto other ports, with Israel among the main destinations.]

Ο Διαχρονικός καιροσκοπισμός του Κουρδικού κινήματος
Kurdish leader welcomes US bases in north Iraq. http://www.alarabiya.net/articles/2008/11/02/59358.html#
αυτή η διαπίστωση βέβαια δεν περιλαμβάνει την πολιτικη του PKK και του Οτσαλαν
(http://infognomonpolitics.blogspot.com/2008/11/blog-post_404.html) , σε αυτό εξ άλλου οφείλεται και η διακριτή μεταχείρηση που έτυχε το κίνημα αυτό απο την Δύση, ώσπου να παραδόθηκε ο Οτσαλαν στους διώκτες του με ηθελημένη η άθελη συμμετοχή του Ελληνικού κράτους, ο οποίος ακόμα και σήμερα δέσμιος αποτελεί απειλή όχι μόνο για το Κεμαλικό καθεστώς της Τουρκίας, αλλά και για τα Αμερικανικά σχέδια ενός Δυτικόστροφου Προτεκτοράτου στην περιοχή του Κιρκουκ αποκαλούμενου μελλοντικά " κουρδικό κράτος".
Η διαχρονική επιπολαιότητα και καιροσκοπισμός των Κουρδων ηγετών, αποτρέπει από το να δημιουργηθεί βιώσιμη πρόταση και λύση, εφ όσον οι διάφοροι φύλαρχοι και πολέμαρχοι του στυλ Barzani, δεν ενδιαφέρονται να τα βρουν με τους γείτονες, αλλά αναζητούν προστασία περαν του Ατλαντικού ελπίζοντας κάποτε να γίνουν κυρίαρχοι των πετρελαίων του Κιρκουκ και της Μοσούλης. Το αποτέλεσμα είναι τελικα να βρίσκεται το Κουρδικό στο στόχαστρο όλων των γειτόνων, του Ιραν περιλαμβανομένου. Εναγώνια τωρα, λιγο πολυ ΠΑΡΑΚΑΛΑΝΕ για Αμερικανικές βάσεις στην περιοχή, κάτι σα Σαακασβιλι της Μ Ανατολής ας πούμε..
-----------------------------------------The President of Iraq's Kurdistan local government has warned of a 'civil war' if Baghdad refuses to sign a security agreement with the US. !!! "If the pact is not signed, the situation in the country may deteriorate to the point of a civil war," Voices of Iraq news agency quoted Masoud Barzani as saying at a press conference on Wednesday. Barzani had earlier said his region will provide the US with military bases if the Iraqi government refuses to sign the Status of Forces Agreement (SOFA). Baghdad and Washington are negotiating the deal to provide a legal basis for the presence of US troops in Iraq after their UN mandate expires in December 2008. Based on the agreement's provisions, the US would be granted the permission to build military bases, camps and prisons inside Iraq. The deal, however, has met fierce opposition from the country's political and religious leaders who are concerned about those SOFA provisions which would "violate Iraq's sovereignty". Iraqi Prime Minister Nouri al-Maliki has also declared that any agreement with the United States should consider the country's sovereignty and national interests.http://www.presstv.ir/detail.aspx?id=75229§ionid=351020201
Kurdish leader welcomes US bases in north Iraq
A top Iraqi Kurdish leader has said the U.S. military could have bases in northern Iraq if Washington and Baghdad fail to sign the controversial security deal, a local newspaper reported Sunday. Massud Barzani, the president of northern Iraq's regional Kurdish administration, said that his government would "welcome" such a move, the Khabat, the newspaper run by Barzani's Kurdistan Democratic Party, quoted him as saying. "All the attempts are going right now to sign the pact, but if the pact is not signed and if U.S. asked to keep their troops in Kurdistan, I think the parliament, the people and government of Kurdistan will welcome this warmly," he said at the Centre of Strategy and International Study in Washington. Baghdad and Washington are currently engaged in drawn out negotiations over an arrangement that will determine the presence of American forces in Iraq beyond 2008 when the current U.N. mandate expires. Barzani has strongly backed the controversial security deal but the signing of the pact was delayed after the Iraqi cabinet decided to seek changes in the latest draft of the agreement. The Kurdish leader is currently in Washington for a series of talks with President George W. Bush and other American officials.
Ενδιαφέρον έχει η ιστορία όχι τόσο του Μassud Barzani , αλλα του πατέρα του Mustafa Barzani ( από όπου κληρονόμησε και τα "προεδριλίκια" )
Masoud Barzani (Kurdish: مسعودبارزانی, Mesûd Barzanî) (born August 16, 1946) is the current President of the Autonomous Kurdish Government in Iraq and the leader of the Kurdistan Democratic Party. Barzani was born in Mahabad, Iran, during the rule of the Republic of Mahabad. He has five sons and three daughters. Masoud Barzani succeeded his father, the former Kurdish nationalist leader Mustafa Barzani, as the leader of the Kurdistan Democratic Party (KDP) in 1979. Working closely with his brother Idriss Barzani until Idriss' untimely death, Barzani was able to continue the Kurdish guerilla struggle through the trying years of the Iran-Iraq War. For much of this time, the Iraqi Kurdish leadership was exiled to Iran.
With Saddam Hussein's defeat in the first Gulf War, the Kurdish dissidents were able to retake much of the traditional homeland of the Kurds in Iraq. However, as Iraqi forces regrouped they pushed Barzani's fighters along with other groups and scores of civilians to the mountains bordering Iran and Turkey. Thousands of Kurds died under heavy fire from Iraqi gunships and many more faced imminent death from starvation and exposure, when the United States-led allies stepped in to open up a no-fly zone over the region during Operation Provide Comfort. This led in 1992 to the establishment of an autonomous Kurdish zone in northern Iraq under the control of the two dominant Kurdish political parties, the KDP led by Masoud Barzani and the PUK led by Jalal Talabani. This zone incorporates the three governates of Dohuk, Erbil, and Sulimeniyah. Barzani led the KDP in establishing a government in Iraqi Kurdistan with the PUK. After the invasion of Iraq he became a member of the Iraqi Governing Council and was the president of the council in April 2004. He was elected as the President of the Iraqi Kurdistan region by the Iraqi Kurdistan's Parliament in June 2005 ...>>
Mustafa Barzani (Kurdish: Mistefa Barzani) (March 14, 1903 – March 1, 1979) is a Kurdish legendary leader, and the most prominent political figure in the modern Kurdish politics. In 1946 he was chosen as the leader of the Kurdistan Democratic Party (KDP) to lead the Kurdish revolution against Iraqi regimes. In 1931 and 1932, together with his older brother, Sheikh Ahmed Barzani who was a convert to Christianity[2], he led the Kurdish struggle for independence. In 1935, with the suppression of the Kurdish revolution, he was exiled to Sulaymaniyah, together with his brother Sheikh Ahmed Barzani. Barzani escaped from Sulaymaniyah in 1942, and started a new revolt against Baghdad, (και ενώ ο Χιτλερ προσπαθούσε εναγωνίως να φτάσει στα πετρέλαια του Κιρκουκ..) but it was once again unsuccessful. Barzani with 1,000 of his followers went to Eastern Kurdistan to help Qazi Muhammed to defend the newly founded Kurdish Republic of Mahabad. In December 1945 ( !!!) the Kurdish Republic of Mahabad was declared by the Kurds in Eastern Kurdistan, which was under Soviet military control. Mustafa Barzani was appointed as the Minister of Defense and commander of the Kurdish army in the Republic of Mahabad. In May 1946 the Soviet troops were withdrawn from Iran, in accordance with the Yalta Agreement, and in December Mahabad was overrun by Iranian troops. The President of the Republic of Mahabad was hanged in public in the "Çar Çira" square in Mahabad city, and many others were massacred.
In 1951 the pesh-merga were allowed to settle in Baku. Many enrolled in schools and universities. Barzani himself went to Moscow, where he studied political science, and renewed his contacts with Kurdish diaspora and exiles...
In 1958, following the republican coup, Barzani was invited to return to Iraq by prime minister Abdul Karim Qassim. Barzani went further than Qasim had intended, and suggested full autonomy for the Kurdish regions in the north. This resulted in new clashes between the rulers of Baghdad and the Kurds...!!!!!
In March 1970 Baghdad and the Kurdish leaders reached a peace agreement, and cease fire was declared to pave the way for negotiations to find a solution to the Kurdish question. As a goodwill the Iraqi government recognized Kurdish people and considered Kurdish language a second official language of the republic with Arabic. In the early 1970s, Barzani's son Ubaydallah defected from the Barzani tribe, and began working with the regime of Baghdad as a minister of state in 1975.[citation needed] Vice President Saddam Hussein, of the Baath Party, offered the Kurds an autonomy but without including Kirkuk, Mosul and other Kurdish cities, and mandated full control of Iraqi army over Kurdistan.[1]
In March 1974 after the autonomy negotiation failed !! to reach a fair agreement, Mustafa Barzani led his followers into renewed fighting with the Iraqi government, this time with the support of Shah Muhammad Reza Shah Pahlavi of Iran and the United States.
In March 1974 after the autonomy negotiation failed !! to reach a fair agreement, Mustafa Barzani led his followers into renewed fighting with the Iraqi government, this time with the support of Shah Muhammad Reza Shah Pahlavi of Iran and the United States.
Με άλλα λόγια η Κουρδική ηγεσία του ΙΡΑΚ φέρεται όχι σαν ηγέτης, αλλά σαν φύλαρχοι Ολιγάρχες οι οποίοι επί σειρά 10ετιών , υπέγραφαν και καταργούσαν συμφωνίες μερικής Αυτονομίας, θυσιάζοντας τον λαό του Κουρδιστάν στις βλέψεις τους να βάλουν οπωσδήποτε χέρι στα πετρέλαια του Κιρκουκ και της Μοσούλης.
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