Πέμπτη 13 Αυγούστου 2009
Πολλά λόγια για οικολογία .. πολλή βαρβαρότητα στα ζώα.
Lazy August news
Καθώς ο Θοδωρής Ηλιόπουλος σήμερα διανύει την 33η ημέρα απεργίας πείνας, γίνεται πλέον φανερή η εκδικητικότητα των μηχανισμών της «αδέκαστης» και θεό«τυφλης» δικαστικής εξουσίας..
Σύμφωνα με εφημερίδες της Νιγηρίας η Λιβύη έχει αρχίσει να εκτελεί νιγηριανούς μετανάστες με μοναδική κατηγορία ότι πέρασαν παράνομα τα σύνορα! ABUJA— House of Representatives, yesterday, raised an alarm over 10 Nigerians executed in Libya this week, with another 200 on the death row from today in Tripoli, the Libyan capital city for violating immigration laws. Briefing the press in Abuja, Chairman, House Committee on Special Duties, Samson Osagie, said that he got the information from some Nigerians living in Libya under the aegis of ʽEdo globalʼ via an e-mail letter sent to him. According to him, “I am worried over the lackadaisical attitude of the Federal Government, but I want Nigerians to rise to the occasion by rescuing the lives of Nigerians who are being maltreated by the Libyan authorities for allegedly gaining entry into the country illegally.“Whether the information is true or not, I want our government, as a matter of urgency, to mobilise all relevant agencies to begin diplomatic negotiations with Libya.“It needs to be emphasised that it is the primary responsibility of government to protect its citizens anywhere in the world and the doctrine of citizen diplomacy has no better time than now.”Meanwhile, the House Committee on Diaspora has called on the Ministry of Foreign Affairs to intervene to save two hundred inmates of Africa origin, most of them Nigerians on death row from an impending execution in Libya.According to the Chairman of the Committee, Abike Dabiri, reliable sources in Libya have informed the committee that between thirty two and forty Nigerians, have already been summarily executed in the last one week, while about 200 are facing the death penalty.
Τρίτη 11 Αυγούστου 2009
Σάββατο 8 Αυγούστου 2009
Πρέπει να φάει πολλά καρβέλια ο αρχων της Ραφήνας ο "καταλληλότατος"

ΕΛΛΑΣ - Γεωργία συμμαχία λοιπόν (διαλέγουμε τους συμμάχους που μας αξίζουν..)
Παρασκευή 7 Αυγούστου 2009
The Return of the Bomb - Hiroshima and Nagasaki: Just the beginning …?

Hiroshima and Nagasaki: Just the beginning …?
One of the most depressing headlines in recent memory is the one accompanying this article by Antiwar.com’s Jason Ditz: "Nearly 64 Years Later, US Support for Hiroshima Nuking Lingers." The story itself is no less dispiriting:
"Today, a poll by Quinnipiac University found that 61% of Americans felt the attack was "the right thing" while only 22% believe it was wrong. Somewhat encouraging, however, was that the willingness to question the attack was significantly larger among younger people, with people between the ages of 18-34 split roughly down the middle about whether the killings were acceptable." Whether Americans are moral monsters, inured to the horror of mass murder on an unimaginable scale, or just garden variety ignoramuses – the article goes on to note "In the US, it is still common for school children to be taught that the nuclear attack saved millions of lives" – is a question I’d rather not confront today, having answered it before to decidedly mixed reactions. Suffice to say that this ambiguity pretty much defines our present predicament, and on good days I tend to believe the ignorance-is-bliss argument: after all, the very same Americans who hate George W. Bush and all his works – our foreign policy of perpetual war, the large scale assault on our civil liberties launched in the wake of 9/11, the politics of fear epitomized by the neocon-ized GOP – worship at the altar of FDR, a president who lied us into war, smeared his enemies as a "fifth column," interned hundreds of thousands on account of their race, and died just in time to avoid moral responsibility for a heinous act that his demand for "unconditional surrender" rendered inevitable. History is not our best subject: we believe what we are taught, and it is a long, slow process undoing the work of war propagandists since Truman’s time. That’s why Antiwar.com is a long-term educational project, one that requires patience and the sort of innate optimism that seems to be lacking in this writer on anniversaries such as this. In any case, the past is not what I’m primarily concerned with today, because I’m more concerned about the future. The Bomb has only been dropped twice since its invention by a passel of mad scientists in the employ of the US government, and we can argue ‘til the cows come home as to whether or not it was justified, but what I want to know is this: what are the chances that it will be used again? And by whom? During the cold war, we all lived in the shadow of the Bomb. I recall, as a very young boy, playing a game with my friends that we called "Let’s pretend there’s been an atomic war." We would wander through our usual wooded haunts, picking up stray bits of twisted metal and noting piles of bricks and stone that had once been something-or-other, exclaiming aloud: "Look! The ruins of an ancient American city!" and wondering how and why those ancient Americans destroyed themselves. We were thrilled-yet-horrified by such movies as "On the Beach," which depicted a nuclear apocalypse as a real possibility, and in school, of course – where we endured endless "duck and cover" drills – it was impressed on us that nuclear incinceration was our probable destiny. The implosion of the Communist empire, preceded by the signing of comprehensive nuclear disarmament treaties by Ronald Reagan and Mikhail Gorbachev, saw the recession of this nuclear nightmare. Suddenly, the pall we had lived with all our lives was lifted. But the cloud that hung over us all our lives has unfortunately returned … There is a real possibility that nuclear weapons will be used in future wars, and if they are a great deal of the responsibility will fall on the administration of George W. Bush, which systematically dismantled arms agreements hammered out between the US and the former Soviet regime and laid the foundations for a new arms race, one that is proceeding today at a rapid pace. President Obama, far from undoing this great evil, has refused to back down from his predecessor’s nuclear provocations, and is just as insistent as Bush was that the US will deploy destabilizing "anti-missile" shields in Poland and the Czech Republic, thus causing the Russians to respond in kind. It is highly unlikely, however, that either the US or the Russians will use nukes in a high-stakes game of geopolitical Risk: it’s far more probable that, in this scenario, a nuclear accident will occur, on account of some highly preventable miscalculation or technical glitch. Yet we have been living with that since the dark days of the cold war, and the conclusion of that twilight struggle didn’t end it completely. What is far scarier is the use of nukes by a power other than the US, and the candidates for that dubious honor are proliferating rapidly – along with the weaponry that will make such a horror possible. When you mention nukes and the possibility of a rogue nation arising capable of unleashing a fresh holocaust, the first word that pops into my mind is Pakistan. Here is a country that can barely hold itself together, is threatened – or so we are told – by imminent overthrow and a radical Islamist takeover, and which is engaged in a years-long military stand-off with another nuclear power, India. Speaking of which, New Delhi is just as likely as Islamabad to give the order to launch a nuclear attack – after all, don’t the Hindu ultra-nationalists who wield so much power in Indian politics believe in reincarnation? If they destroy their own nation as well as Pakistan in a nuclear exchange, won’t they come back and live to fight another day? In which case, "victory" is all but certain…. These are examples that we have learned to live with, in recent years, and so are therefore not cause for undue alarm – or, at least, imminent alarmism of the sort we felt during the cold war years. We aren’t quite living under the constant threat of a nuclear Sword of Damocles falling on our heads, are we? Well, not so fast…. Aside from the ever-present prospect of a terrorist strike utilizing nuclear elements, such as the "dirty bomb" the Bushies were convinced was about to take out American cities in the months after 9/11, there is a fresh possibility of thermonuclear hellfire raining down on our heads that didn’t exist until recently. For months, now, the Israelis have been threatening to attack Iran, if their American lobby can’t manipulate us into starting a war with Tehran first. They have declared Iran’s alleged pursuit of nuclear weapons represents as an "existential threat" to the Jewish state, and have repeatedly warned that they will take unilateral action if the warmongering crusade of their state-side propagandists and pressure groups fails to inspire us with sufficiently warlike intentions. There’s just one problem…. Israel hasn’t got the technical means to take out Iran’s nuclear facilities, which are spread out over a wide area, and not readily identifiable. Absent a refueling base – say, in the former Soviet republic of Georgia – an Israeli attack mission would necessarily be a suicide squad, one that would, in any case, fail to accomplish their preferred goal: to knock out Iran’s nuclear facilities in a single devastating blow. There is one way, however, that they could pull it off without US help. As the whole world knows by now, the Israelis have nukes of their own – enough to destroy all their enemies, and then some – and could wipe out Tehran, not to mention virtually every major city in Iran, if they so chose. It is highly doubtful the Iranians would be able to launch any sort of effective counter-attack: the only fallout, so to speak, would be a veritable outcry of international indignation and revulsion, one that they are enduring anyway, albeit not to the degree they would suffer as a result of nuking Iran. There are several reasons to believe that they would, indeed, carry out such a monstrous act, knowing full well the consequences — moral, material, and diplomatic – that would ensue. First, we must take seriously their contention that the prospect of a nuclear-armed Iran threatens their very existence, and raises the possibility of a Second Holocaust from which the Jewish people might never recover. Never mind whether or not it is valid – it isn’t – and concentrate, instead, on their rising hysteria. Surely they take themselves entirely seriously — and so must we. This seriousness was underscored by the publication of an op ed piece in the New York Times by Israeli historian Benny Morris – a rabid warmonger and Arab-hater, whose prominence and political connections gave his article a semi-official tone – making the case that Israel would be entirely justified in nuking Iran. Secondly, such a threat merely puts into practice the announced strategic doctrine of the US, which claims the "right" to preemptively attack any nation, anywhere, using maximum force if it is deemed to pose a future threat to our national security. The present administration has never repudiated this odious precept, and certainly the Israelis fully support it, as well they ought – because they invented it. The argument in favor of an Israeli nuclear strike comes out roughly equivalent to the rationale advanced for torture: the "ticking time bomb" scenario, in which you have ten minutes to force Abdul to tell you where the nukes are hidden, or else New York City and environs will be blown to smithereens and the entire Northeast rendered uninhabitable. What do you do? Why, of course, you throw over thousands of years of civilization, the Christian tradition, and the basic rules of human decency, in favor of saving your own skin. The Israelis – who believe their very existence is threatened by Iran — can be expected to do the same. Αdd to this the recent degeneration of the Israeli body politic into collective madness, and the rise of an outright thug and fascist like Avigdor Lieberman to occupy the country’s foreign ministry, and you have a very worrying scenario. Here, after all, is a man who once said he wouldn’t hesitate to bomb the Aswan Dam as a way to teach the Arabs a lesson – and killing tens of thousands in the process. Mass death by drowning, or by nuclear fire – what difference does it make? No, Lieberman’s finger is not yet on the nuclear trigger, but I wouldn’t rule it out in the future – the near future. And if the US persists in avoiding a confrontation with Iran, or in drawing out the "negotiating" process beyond the limits of tolerability as defined by Tel Aviv, the possibility that the Israelis will act, and trump Truman’s war crimes, cannot be credibly denied. If they ever did go ahead and drop the bomb on Tehran, whatever blowback they had to endure could be written off as the inevitable price of survival – and the price, as I’ve said, isn’t likely to be very high. I doubt whether even this gross act of mass murder would provoke Washington to do very much more than express outrage – without, however, cutting off so much as a dime of the billions in aid we ship to Israel every year. The "special relationship," you can rest assured, would endure – and, soon enough, we’d be hearing the same sort of rationalization we are now hearing on the anniversary of Truman’s crime against humanity. It was necessary to bring the Iranians to heel, Israel had no choice, it was kill or be killed – failure to act on the Israelis’ part would have amounted to committing national suicide. I can hear it now.That is the sad and quite disgusting truth of the matter, and now that I’ve thoroughly depressed myself – and you – I’ll bring this column to an abrupt but entirely necessary close.
Πέμπτη 6 Αυγούστου 2009
ΣΥΝ ( & -- )

Τετάρτη 5 Αυγούστου 2009
"Now you will die!": Coast Guard attempt to drown asylum-seekers in Lesbos - Greece

of Lesbos tied 12 Somali immigrants in an inflatable boat and then pierced its sides with knives in order to drown the helpless asylum seekers who were saved by passing cruise boat. The Coast Guard of Lesbos Island has been accused of attempting to mass murder 12 Somali asylum seekers, amongst which one woman. According to the case, on the 5th of July an Austrian European border Frontex Helicopter spotted an inflatable boat containing the 12 immigrants off Korakas Cape in Lesbos.Upon the arrival of the Greek Coast Guard, the helicopter left, leaving the Greek cops to arrest the 12. The Coast Guard took the 12 out of their boat, tied their hands to their necks, beat them, and put them back in the inflatable boat before piercing its sides with knives. Then they let the boat go to the open sea telling the asylum seekers in English: "Now you will die!". Immediately the boat started getting water in, and sinking. The asylum seekers were saved from certain drowning when a British cruise boat passed by, saw them and saved them. The asylum seekers were then taken to Pagani detention camp on Lesbos from where they contacted the UN through a sympathetic lawyer. The Coast Guard adding insult to harm has called the UN law suit against them an act of provocation. http://athens.indymedia.org/front.php3?lang=el&article_id=1066341
Απαγχονίστηκε προκειμένου να αποφύγει την απέλαση μια νεαρή γυναίκα στα κρατητήρια του αστυνομικού τμήματος Χερσονήσου, στην Κρήτη, χθες το πρωί. Η 29χρονη Αλβανίδα συνελήφθη προχθές χωρίς άδεια παραμονής και οδηγήθηκε στα κρατητήρια έως ότου απελαθεί στη χώρα της.Στο ίδιο κελί με την 29χρονη κρατούνταν αρχικά και δυο Βρετανίδες. Όταν οι δυο κοπέλες αφέθηκαν ελεύθερες, η νεαρή Αλβανίδα έκοψε ένα κομμάτι από την κουβέρτα του κελιού της, την έδεσε στα ντους και κρεμάστηκε. Ο χρόνος θανάτου της υπολογίζεται μεταξύ 09.30 και 12 το μεσημέρι. Ο ιατροδικαστής που πραγματοποίησε την αυτοψία απέκλεισε το ενδεχόμενο της εγκληματικής ενέργειας, κάνοντας ανεπίσημα λόγο για αυτοκτονία. Η Ασφάλεια Ηρακλείου διενεργεί προανάκριση για το συμβάν ενώ θα διαταχθεί και Ένορκη Διοικητική Εξέταση.
Το μεροκάματο του τρόμου
Είχαμε αναφερθεί στο Δελτίο Τύπου του Συνδικάτου Επισιτισμού - Τουρισμού Πειραιά που γνωστοποιούσε ότι: «Εικοσάχρονος εργαζόμενος από το Πακιστάν κατά τη διάρκεια διανομής είχε σοβαρό εργατικό ατύχημα. Τώρα νοσηλεύεται στο Κρατικό Νοσοκομείο της Νίκαιας. Εχει διαλυμένη γνάθο και λάμες στα κάτω άκρα…. ακριβώς πριν από ένα χρόνο στην ίδια εταιρεία είχαμε εργατικό δυστύχημα με νεκρό διανομέα 19 ετών, επίσης ανασφάλιστο και από το Πακιστάν, έγκλημα που έμεινε ατιμώρητο». Η εταιρία για την οποία γίνετε λόγος είναι αυτή που εκμεταλλεύεται τα καταστήματα της γνωστής αλυσίδας έτοιμου φαγητού (πιτσαρία) «BELISSIMO».Ο μετανάστης εργάτης νοσηλεύτηκε για πέντε ημέρες σε Μονάδα Εντατικής Θεραπείας και όντος ανασφάλιστος το νοσοκομείο του ζήτησε να πληρώσει ένα υπέρογκο ποσό (δεν μάθαμε το ακριβές ύψος του) για νοσήλια. Που να έβρισκε τόσα χρήματα ο εργάτης φυσικά και παραλίγο να μπλεχτούν και μπάτσοι στην ιστορία.Η αντίδραση του Συνδικάτου Επισιτισμού - Τουρισμού ήταν άμεση απαιτώντας από τον εργοδότη του νεαρού Πακιστανού να καλύψει πλήρως τα έξοδα νοσηλείας και αποθεραπείας του εργάτη του που τον είχε να εργάζεται για ένα περίπου χρόνο ανασφάλιστος στο κατάστημα ως διανομέας.Αρχικά ο εργοδότης το γύρισε στην τρελή λέγοντας ότι δεν γνώριζε τον τραυματία Πακιστανό, ότι δεν δούλευε στο κατάστημα του και άλλες τέτοιες παπαριές. Φυσικά το παραμύθι του δεν μπορούσε να περάσει και μπροστά στην πίεση των συνδικαλιστών του συνδικάτου δεσμεύτηκε ότι μέσα σε δέκα ημέρες θα καλύψει όλα τα έξοδα νοσηλείας και αποθεραπείας του νεαρού Πακιστανού. Πάντως οι συνδικαλιστές του Συνδικάτου ξεκαθάρισαν ότι αν η εργοδοσία δεν υλοποιήσει τις δεσμεύσεις της θα προχωρήσει σε δυναμικές κινητοποιήσεις σε όλα τα καταστήματα της αλυσίδας.Σε μια τέτοια περίπτωση θα κάνουμε ανάρτηση που θα καλούμε σε μποϋκοτάζ των προϊόντων του «BELISSIMO» και φυσικά θα συμμετέχουμε στις κινητοποιήσεις του Συνδικάτου.
Russia's General Staff suspects Georgia planning new attack

Τρίτη 4 Αυγούστου 2009
South Ossetian village shelled again !!, in another Georgian violation

The situation in the Georgian-South Ossetian conflict zone rapidly deteriorated after Tskhinval and a number of other residential districts and villages in South Ossetia were attacked in the evening of August 1. Combat with the use of small arms, grenade launchers and mortars ensued in the conflict zone for several hours. It resulted in the first human losses and substantial destruction. South Ossetia began evacuating its citizens to North Ossetia. In the first two days after the shelling, 2,500 residents left their homes.
Δευτέρα 3 Αυγούστου 2009
"We Are Back"

"We Are Back"
Pre-Election Attacks against Germans?
In recent months, several propaganda videos have been published condemning the Bundeswehr's mission in Afghanistan, and the BND is also anticipating insurgent attacks against German soldiers. The videos have repeatedly mentioned the Sept. 27 date of the federal election in Germany. Officials are warning that there's a growing threat of attacks against German forces in an effort to influence the election back home, where a majority of people oppose the Afghanistan deployment.The commander of the ISAF international security force in Afghanistan, US General Stanley McChrystal, is also expressing deep concern about the deteriorating situation in Kunduz. Last Wednesday, McChrystal flew to northern Afghanistan to discuss the precarious situation with German and Afghan officials in charge of military operations in the area. After his visit, McChrystal told SPIEGEL ONLINE he was "concerned" about the changing situation. He said Kunduz now warranted "serious scrutiny."McChrystal said that the groups were supported in their efforts to build "enclaves in the north" by fighters in the south of the country where the Taliban-led insurgency has plagued ISAF efforts to establish security and rebuild the country. ISAF officials believe the insurgents are taking aim at the security force's new supply routes in the north that go through Kunduz.The general called on the German and Afghan forces to conduct further operations like last month's in Charah Dara, west of the German base. While there had been some "operational successes" in the counter-insurgency missions, McChrystal said after a meeting with officers to discuss the operations of the past two weeks, a "single operation will never have a decisive effect" and the fight against the Taliban requires a "prolonged effort with multiple successes." He said the battle against the Taliban should not be neglected. "If we don't get in front of the situations, the situation will get in front of us," the ISAF chief said.
"We Are Back"
It appears he is correct. After Afghan troops pulled out of the parts of Chahar Dara they had largely won back last week, the Taliban returned and resumed control.
On Friday, Afghan General Murad Ali Murad said that 600 Afghan National Army (ANA) soldiers had been stationed in Chahar Dara to keep the Taliban from returning. But on Saturday, district chief Khel said only about 300 remained further to the north to keep the Taliban from returning.The Taliban appears to be going on the offensive. "We are back," Commander Mullah Shamslullah, a man considered to be one of the Taliban's leaders in Chahar Dara, said by telephone, "everything is going to be the same as it was earlier." His fighters could be heard in the background shouting "God is great." Shamslullah said the Taliban had their base back and that more than 150 Talib fighters had returned after briefly going into hiding.Of course, Shamslullah's statements are part of the insurgency's propaganda efforts, but they also seem to be supported by the findings of the Bundeswehr. The Germans have also been noting a return of the insurgents to their stronghold -- undeterred by the Afghan army. The area is far too large to be controlled by a contingent of 300 ANA soldiers. But the German army isn't in a position to stop them, either. They're being forced to watch as the Taliban return to a stronghold located just a 15-minute drive away from the German camp.
History Repeating Itself?
The reports coming from the Kunduz area raise doubts about the success of Operation Adler. The Afghan Army said it wouldn't repeat the mistake made in past offensives that troops were removed too quickly, enabling the enemy to quickly return to the area. But it appeared to have done exactly that last week.At the German base in Kunduz, sources even said that ANA General Murad Ali Murad wanted to withdraw his troops completely at the start of the week.The withdrawal of Afghan troops is reminiscent of a failure often made by the US army that it now admits was a mistake: After beating away the Taliban from their strongholds in southern Afghanistan, the Americans often withdrew too quickly. They left the local populations to their own devices in dealing with returning Taliban, and local people lost faith in the international security force as a result. he same could now happen in areas where German soldiers have been deployed. At the same time, the Taliban's return also creates a greater threat for the German army. Now back and presumably rearmed with weapons and explosives, the Taliban could seek revenge on the Afghan army, but also the Bundeswehr. Three hundred German soldiers as well as ISAF fight jets helped their Afghan army colleagues in Operation Adler, and the Bundeswehr could quickly become a target.On Thursday, two rockets were fired near the German base. And for the coming days and weeks, the German forces are bracing for new attacks -- ones that could be better targeted and organized than before.

A Taliban roadside bomb killed at least 12 people Monday in a key commercial city in western Afghanistan, officials said, amid worsening security before a presidential poll this month.The remote-controlled device may have been aimed at a local police chief but killed mainly passers-by when it exploded during rush hour near a blood bank in Herat, a relatively peaceful city near the Iranian border.Violence has escalated ahead of the August 20 presidential poll that is seen as a key test of Western-led efforts to stabilize Afghanistan.Nine foreign soldiers, including six Americans, were killed in the south and east, where the Taliban is strongest, in the last three days.NATO Secretary-General Anders Fogh Rasmussen, who took over Saturday, said he wanted Afghanistan's own forces to play a greater role in providing security over the next four years."I believe that during my term as NATO secretary-general, Afghans must take over lead responsibility for security in most of their country," he told a news conference in Brussels.U.S. Defense Secretary Robert Gates met on Sunday at an air base in Belgium with Army General Stanley McChrystal, the top U.S. and NATO commander in Afghanistan, a Pentagon spokesman said.Gates obtained an update on a review of the war being conducted by McChrystal. The unusual meeting, attended by other top U.S. defense officials, was not announced in advance.The Taliban have vowed to disrupt the election and have called on Afghans to boycott the ballot, the second direct presidential poll since the Islamists were toppled in 2001.In Ghazni province, a Taliban stronghold southeast of the capital, insurgents have posted notices in mosques and to walls, warning people to stay at home a day before the poll."In order that this illegitimate process faces failure, fighters will intensively attack polling centers, and warn voters to stay home one day before," one item posted overnight read.