μετα από παρέμβαση αναδημοσιεύω..>>[..LATHOS STOIXEIA 9:30πμ, Σάββατο 28 Μαρτίου 2009 http://athens.indymedia.org/front.php3?lang=el&article_id=1010608 αυτός στην δεύτερη φωτογραφία δεν είναι ο Πλεύρης αλλά ένας φουκαράς από τον Βόλο γνωστός με το μικρό του όνομα ''Παύλος''.αυτός -ο γνωστός και ως Παυλάρας- είναι αυτός που φαίνεται και στην εκπομπή ''made in greece'' της Διγενή να ζει σε μία καλύβα και να ''απειλεί'' κάτι μπαγλαμάδες δημοσιογράφους που ενώ ξέρανε οτι ο άνθρωπος είχε προβλήματα(...) επιμένανε να του πάρουν και καλά συνέντευξη...]
this post is hidden !! from UK INDYMEDIA ..!! ( http://indymedia.org.uk/en/2009/03/425304.html ) God knows why ..
Greek court clears far-rightist of Holocaust denial
By The Associated Press and Haaretz Service
Greek court officials said judges overturned Friday a far-rightist's conviction for inciting racial hatred with a book that denies the Holocaust took place. A five-member panel of appeals court judges voted 4-1 to overturn a lower court's decision that sentenced Costas Plevris to 14 months in prison for his book "The Jews: The whole truth." The Greek News newspaper quoted Plevris as having glorified Hitler and calling for the extermination of the Jews in his 1,400 page book. He declares himself "a Nazi, a fascist, a racist, an anti-democrat, an anti-Semite," according to the Greek-American paper. "Jews are mortal enemies and deserve the firing squad," he was quoted as saying. Court officials said the Athens appeals court ruled that Plevris was entitled to express his views in the book. In the first trial in 2007, Greek Jewish community leaders had testified that Plevris' book has led to an increase in attacks on Jewish monuments.
By The Associated Press and Haaretz Service
Greek court officials said judges overturned Friday a far-rightist's conviction for inciting racial hatred with a book that denies the Holocaust took place. A five-member panel of appeals court judges voted 4-1 to overturn a lower court's decision that sentenced Costas Plevris to 14 months in prison for his book "The Jews: The whole truth." The Greek News newspaper quoted Plevris as having glorified Hitler and calling for the extermination of the Jews in his 1,400 page book. He declares himself "a Nazi, a fascist, a racist, an anti-democrat, an anti-Semite," according to the Greek-American paper. "Jews are mortal enemies and deserve the firing squad," he was quoted as saying. Court officials said the Athens appeals court ruled that Plevris was entitled to express his views in the book. In the first trial in 2007, Greek Jewish community leaders had testified that Plevris' book has led to an increase in attacks on Jewish monuments.
δεν πρόκειται να υπερασπιστώ την ελευθερία λόγου του Πλεύρη και των ομοίων του. Αλλά θεωρώ τραβηγμένο από τα μαλιά τον Ευρωπαικό νόμο που ποινικοποιεί την άποψη κάποιου για την ιστορία, δηλαδή πας φυλακή αν υποστηρίξεις ότι το Εβραικό Ολοκαύτωμα δεν ήταν έτσι όπως το λένε τα καθεστωτικά ιστορικά βιβλία. Με αυτή την λογική και των αναλογιών τηρουμένων και ο Phil Gordon, αναπληρωτής Γ. Γραμματέας του State department , θα έπρεπε να διωχθεί γιατί δεν αποδέχεται σαν Ολοκαύτωμα την σφαγή των Αρμενίων από τους Τούρκους.. Ο νόμος αυτός πραγματικά, δεν προστατεύει τους Εβραίους όπου γης , αλλά μας θυμίζει και μας δείχνει ότι το μακρυ χερι του Σιωνισμού είνα καλά ριζωμένο στην Ευρώπη. Δυστυχως καταντήσαμε να πρέπει να τοποθετούμαστε διαρκως στο αθλιο ερώτημα: "αν είμαστε δηλαδή Σιωνιστές η ΑντιΣιωνιστές", λες και πρέπει να απολογουμαστε διαρκώς και να επιδεικνύουμε ταυτότητα πολιτικων φρονημάτων σχετικά με αυτό που θεωτείται πολιτικά ορθό. Δικαίως η Haaretz παραπονιέται.. τους αφορα και τους πληγώνει ο φασίστας.. αλλά πιστεύω ότι καλά έκανε ο δικαστής και άφησε την οχιά να πάει ελέυθερη σπίτι της. Υπάρχουν εξ άλλου τόσα άλλα να τον πιάσουν άμα θέλουν. Και αυτόν και το βλαστάρι του.
Obama’s nominee refuses to call 1915 events as genocide
Phil Gordon, nominated by U.S. President Barack Obama as assistant secretary of state for European and Eurasian affairs, Thursday declined to qualify World War I -era killings of Armenians in the Ottoman Empire as "genocide" during his confirmation hearing at the Senate Foreign Relations Committee.The Senate must confirm all senior administration officials.During the confirmation hearing at the committee, pro-Armenian Democratic Sen. Robert Menendez complained that Gordon, in his articles as an expert, in recent years had written that congressional recognition of the Armenian killings would not be useful because of the backlash it would cause in Turkey. Menendez then asked Gordon his latest position on the Armenian killings.Gordon qualified the deaths as a "terrible tragedy" that should be seen as such by everybody, including Turks. But he declined to use the word "genocide."The term "terrible tragedy" does not satisfy U.S. Armenians, who strongly push for formal U.S. recognition of the killings as genocide.Turkey warns that any U.S. genocide recognition will damage relations in a major and lasting way.Cyprus On Cyprus, Menendez asked Gordon if he qualified Turkey's military presence on the island as an "occupation." Gordon instead used the term "Turkish presence."Menendez then said Obama had used the term "Turkish occupation" during last year's presidential election campaign.Greek News, a New York-based U.S. Greek magazine, said in October last year that Obama, in a statement to Greek Americans, had called the Turkish military presence in northern Cyprus "Turkish occupation."But no such statement was released by Obama's official Web site. Also an Obama position paper on foreign policy matters made no mention of a Turkish occupation. But at the same time the Obama campaign never denied the Greek News story. Gordon said Turkey had a major role to play in its region and that U.S.-Turkish relations should be improved.If Gordon is approved first by the Foreign Relations Committee and later in a Senate floor vote, he will take over the job from Dan Fried, who has been former President George W. Bush's assistant secretary of state for European and Eurasian affairs for the past four years.During former President Bill Clinton's term, Gordon was European director at the National Security Council at the White House.Gordon was a senior Europe expert at the Brookings Insti-tution, a major Democratic-leaning think tank here.
Phil Gordon, nominated by U.S. President Barack Obama as assistant secretary of state for European and Eurasian affairs, Thursday declined to qualify World War I -era killings of Armenians in the Ottoman Empire as "genocide" during his confirmation hearing at the Senate Foreign Relations Committee.The Senate must confirm all senior administration officials.During the confirmation hearing at the committee, pro-Armenian Democratic Sen. Robert Menendez complained that Gordon, in his articles as an expert, in recent years had written that congressional recognition of the Armenian killings would not be useful because of the backlash it would cause in Turkey. Menendez then asked Gordon his latest position on the Armenian killings.Gordon qualified the deaths as a "terrible tragedy" that should be seen as such by everybody, including Turks. But he declined to use the word "genocide."The term "terrible tragedy" does not satisfy U.S. Armenians, who strongly push for formal U.S. recognition of the killings as genocide.Turkey warns that any U.S. genocide recognition will damage relations in a major and lasting way.Cyprus On Cyprus, Menendez asked Gordon if he qualified Turkey's military presence on the island as an "occupation." Gordon instead used the term "Turkish presence."Menendez then said Obama had used the term "Turkish occupation" during last year's presidential election campaign.Greek News, a New York-based U.S. Greek magazine, said in October last year that Obama, in a statement to Greek Americans, had called the Turkish military presence in northern Cyprus "Turkish occupation."But no such statement was released by Obama's official Web site. Also an Obama position paper on foreign policy matters made no mention of a Turkish occupation. But at the same time the Obama campaign never denied the Greek News story. Gordon said Turkey had a major role to play in its region and that U.S.-Turkish relations should be improved.If Gordon is approved first by the Foreign Relations Committee and later in a Senate floor vote, he will take over the job from Dan Fried, who has been former President George W. Bush's assistant secretary of state for European and Eurasian affairs for the past four years.During former President Bill Clinton's term, Gordon was European director at the National Security Council at the White House.Gordon was a senior Europe expert at the Brookings Insti-tution, a major Democratic-leaning think tank here.
3 σχόλια:
Το καλόπαιδο δίπλα στο Πλεύρη σε νεαρή ηλικία που χαιρετάει με το νεοταξίστικο σήμα ποιός είναι;
H ηληθιότητα καιη αναίδια στον τριμέγιστο βαθμό αποτελεί ΥΒΡΗ. Και είναι σίγουρο ότι ο παραπάνω έχει πέσει στο θανάσιμο αμαρτημα της ΥΒΡΕΩΣ , εφόσον ΕΠΙΚΑΛΕΙΤΑΙ την ΔΗΜΟΚΡΑΤΙΑ, πολίτευμα το οποίο ΚΑΤΑΚΡΙΝΕΙ και ΑΝΤΙΜΑΧΕΤΑΙ με λόγια και έργα.
Ο τίτλος της εβραϊκής εφημερίδας που αναπαράγετε είναι ψευδέστατος & δεν έχει καμία σχέση με τη δίκη.Δεν είναι ποινικό αδίκημα η άρνηση του "Ολοκαυτώματος" ούτε περιλαμβανόταν στο κλητήριο θέσπισμα http://vho.org/aaargh/fran/livres8/PLEVRIS.pdf
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