22 Novembre 2010
Accusations of Israeli involvement in the suspicious death of a German politician have been revived, following new autopsy evidence revealed by a medical examiner. The case involves the death of Christian Democratic Union politician Uwe Barschel, who on October 11, 1987, was found dead in the bathtub of room 317 of the Beau-Rivage hotel in Geneva, Switzerland. His sudden death occurred less than a month after he was forced to resign from the post of Governor of West Germany’s Schleswig-Holstein state, following his involvement in a dirty-tricks campaign against his rival Björn Engholm, of Germany’s Social Democratic Party. Swiss authorities, based on an initial postmortem that revealed lethal levels of barbiturates in Barschel’s system, ruled the death a suicide. But now Dr Hans Brandenberger, who was one of the toxicological experts that examined Barschel, claims that he is possession of new evidence that points to murder as the cause of the German politician’s death. Speaking on Sunday to Germany’s quality Welt am Sonntag broadsheet, Dr Brandenberger said that computer analysis of the original 1987 autopsy data makes it “next to certain that Barschel was injected with [the strong sedative] Noludar shortly before his death through the rectum”. The toxicologist claims that the strong tranquilizer was part of a complex cocktail of drugs that was force-fed to the German politician after he was sedated, probably with the help of a spiked drink. Dr Brandenberger’s allegations have breathed new life to claims that Barschel was in fact murdered by Israeli intelligence agency Mossad, who targeted him because of his inside knowledge of Iran-Contra scandal dealings. Specifically, Barschel is said to have known about an alleged transfer of Israeli military aircraft to the Islamic Republic of Iran, facilitated under United States oversight through German mediators. Following his resignation from his governor post, he had threatened to publicize insider accounts of the alleged transfer. During the Iran-Contra Scandal (1985-1986), Israel acted as Washington’s conduit in supplying US-made weapons to Iran and then channeling the profits to the Contras paramilitary mercenaries fighting Nicaragua’s Sandinista government. Incidentally, Israel did so in full knowledge of the fact that the Iranian government was at that time the primary military supplier of Palestinian militant group Hamas.
By JOSEPH FITSANAKIS---------------------------
Israel has a long history of supplying Iran with weapons

The Ayatollah Khomeini of Iran and his government needed them badly, after Saddam Hussein attacked Iran in 1980. However the US government had imposed an arms embargo after the occupation and hostage taking in the US embassy in Tehran in late 1979. So urgently needed spare parts were not for sale in the US for Tehran.
To the surprise of the US government, this embargo was without any effect. The Iranians were helped by Israel. Israel did not care a bit about the embargo. Money did the talking. They saw a chance to make extra profits and keep the Iran-Iraq war going, two of it’s enemies fighting against each other.
Israel regarded Iraq as the bigger enemy, whilst the European countries and the US thought otherwise.
After the Mossad had given the green light, the arms deals were negotiated by an Israeli general by the name of Avraham Bar-Am, famous for his brutality against Arabs in the Lebanon-war.
Participating in these arms deals was allegedly a German arms dealer group comprising Hans Bihn, Hans Schneider, Hermann Moll and Ralph Kopka. They were well connected to a former top general of the German army, Bundeswehr, by the name of Albert Schnez.
On the Israeli side it was a Ron Harel, acting for Israeli Military industries (IMI), his representative in Germany was a Henry Kamaniecky, Israeli with a German passport. The Iranians were represented by a Abdolfath Katibi and a German by the name of Stephan Kaiser.
The US, after they found out, protested, however they themselves later on sold weapons via Israel into Iran in 1986, it was afterwards called the "Iran Contra Scandal". The profits from these deals were used to support a right wing terror group, fighting the government of Nicaragua, called the Contras., involved was the Pentagon with it’s colonel Oliver North, the CIA and the arms dealer and international crook
Adnan Khashoggi.

From Germany to Vienna
After being followed by German police, the arms dealers moved from Germany to Vienna, Austria.
Money was generated by selling Iranian Oil on the black market at a discount, oil, that exceeded the OPEC Quota. The oil selling shop was called Bandaran and managed by an Iranian by the name of Mehdi Farschi, alias Hashemi Bari alias Farschchiha alias Masoud.
He was helped by three local men,
Manfred Felber, Engineer, married to an Iranian woman, Ilija Sirbegovic, also engineer and Gustav Kurz. One of the top arms sellers to Iran was an Israeli by the name
Nahum Manbar via his company Europol, based in Poland. He bought Russian tanks of the type T 72 and T 55. They were before sale to Iran refurbished with modern electronics by the Israeli company El OP.

Polish specialists were trained on these arms and later flown to Tehran to train the Iranians.
Manbar was a big supporter of Israels Labour Party and at fuctions regularly seated at the top table next to former Prime Minister Yitzhak Rabin.
A ship without a harbour.
In August 2002, the cargo of a ship by the name of "Zim Antwerp I", registered in Thailand was confiscated by the German police. The cargo consisted of 3000 tank chains and hundreds of tyres for armoured personnel carriers. The final destination: Iran’s port Bandar e Abbas.
The sender: The Israeli company PAD, based in Netanya and owned by one Avichai Weinstein. His brother-in-law, Eli Cohen, in 1999 bought arms in Canada and shipped them via Belgium to Iran.
Not only arms, also chemicals were sold to Iran by the Israeli chemical company Carmel, owned by the Dankner family in Haifa.. However Carmel was using a subsidiary in Kenya to mask the origin.
So most Israeli arms deals actually appeared to be arms deals of other countries.
The sale of arms to Iran s continued even after the Iran-Iraq war was over and beyond the first Gulf war in 1991, in which Iraq was defeated.
Weapons of mass destruction into Iran
Already in 1989 an Israeli arms dealer, involved in the lucrative Iran-weapons axis by the name of Charles Caplan, tried to sell the nerve gas Sarin to the Iranians. He was helped by a South Korean Juwhan Yun. However the US customs and police got wind of it and stopped it.
These modest beginnings, that had no consequences for the actors, were followed by a more professional sale not only of raw material for the nerve gases Sarin and Mustard, but also the sale of blueprints for a factory plus the KnowHow for the production of these nerve gases. Bought in China and shipped to Bandar e Abbas/Iran.
Sarin is one of the worst weapons of mass destruction. Invented by Adolf Hitler's chemical industries in 1937, however never used in WW2. It was, however, used in a horrific terrorist attack in the subway of Tokyo in 1995, in which more than 5000 people were injured.
The Buyers
The buyers are Dr. Abbaspour Tehrani Fard, head of Iran's department 105 (defence industries). He is a close friend of Iran's former President Rafsanjani. The buys are made by the Vienna Crew, Farschi, Felber & Co.
The Sellers
The Sellers are two groups. One group comprises the arms dealer Nahum Manbar in cohort with the Israeli Secret Service Shin Bet. Equally involved the British Mi6 with it's agents Richard Tomlinson and Joyce Kiddie. The second group comprised the Israeli Colonel and former F4 pilot
Moshe Regev alias Regenstreich in cohort with Shin Bet.

He was supported by the German
Gerhard Merz who later on in 2004 was involved in the failed coup in Equatorial Guinea and died there amidst the allegations of torture. Apparently the German Secret Service BND knew about the sales to Iran.

The sales of these chemical WMD's were done during the period from 1991 to 1994. At the same time the UN weapons inspectors were searching for these weapons in neighboring Iraq.
The Israeli Government ordered a stop of the sales, after weapons once sold by Israel to Iran arrived in South Lebanon in the hands of the Hezbollah.
Regev/Merz stopped, however Manbar continued for another year. He was sentenced in 1998 to 16 years in prison in a secret trial in Israel, that was marked by scandals.
The presiding judge Shtrasnov started allegedly an intimate relationship with one of Manbar's junior lawyers, Pninat Yanai.
This is the first time in history, that a country has sold weapons of mass destruction to it's arch enemy. The only explanation is, that Israel tried to create a case of war with Iran, at that time unsuccessfully.

According to a later account by Robert Sensi, a young CIA agent with excellent contacts among prominent Arabs, the Republican National Committee opens what Sensi calls “a secret channel to Iran.” Sensi is not only alluding to the secret plans for the US to sells arms to Iran, which is just developing (see Early 1980), but to the “October Surprise” of the November 1980 US presidential elections (see October 1980). Sensi will bring the matter up to author and fellow CIA agent Larry Kolb in a Washington, DC, hotel bar in 1986, but will not go into detail. Sensi will note that CIA Director William Casey has been involved in the US’s secret dealings with Iran since the outset, as has Robert Carter, the deputy director of Ronald Reagan’s presidential campaign. Sensi will say that Casey, Carter, and the other participants are using the overseas political organization Republicans Abroad as cover for more covert activities. The organization is “a great drawing card,” according to Sensi, who is a member. “It gives us access to embassies and a lot of people we would have had a hard time getting to without the cachet of representing the ruling party in the United States.” Writing in 2007, Kolb will reflect on the Republican Party’s “own in-house team of covert operatives, as capable of conducting espionage and sabotage for the Republican Party as for the CIA. It seemed the Republicans were still doing what they had been caught doing during Watergate. Spying on and sabotaging the Democrats. Ratf_cking, as the Republican operatives called it (seeOctober 7, 1972). Coming just a few years after the Watergate national Passion Play and all it had put our country through, this seemed flagrant and foul, like sleaze squared. And like politics-as-usual.” [KOLB, 2007, PP. 28-29]
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