Barack Obama has said he aims to close the Guantanamo Bay detention centre and put a clear end to torture in the US within two (2) years (well.. that a long time .. thinking about it ..!!) of becoming president. The president-elect told Time magazine he aims to restore the balance between US security needs and the Constitution. Outgoing Vice-president Dick Cheney has said he does not see how the Guantanamo facility can be responsibly closed until the "war on terror" was over. He also justified using water-boarding on some detainees during interrogation. He said the technique, which simulates drowning, was an appropriate means of getting information out of suspects such as Khalid Sheikh Mohammed, the alleged mastermind of the 11 September attacks on the US.
'Clear end to torture'
US President-elect Obama was speaking to Time having been named its Person of the Year for having what the magazine called "the confidence to sketch an ambitious future in a gloomy hour". Asked how voters would know whether his administration was succeeding in two years, Mr Obama listed a series of benchmarks his team had set during his presidential campaign. "On foreign policy, have we closed down Guantanamo in a responsible way, put a clear end to torture and restored a balance between the demands of our security and our constitution?" he said. ---------------------------
θα χρειαστει 2 ολόκληρα χρόνια για να κάνει το αυτονόητο ??
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