Αν και η κυβέρνηση της Ουκρανίας με τον αναδρομικό εθνικισμό της , τα ρέστα θα έπρεπε να ζητάει κατα βάση από τον στρατηγό Τιμοσένγκο - Ουκρανο στρατηγό στέλεχος του KΚΣΕ, αλλά και τον συμπατριώτη του Σακασβίλι από το Gori της Γεωργίας, τον Ιωσήφ Σταλιν..
Russia accuses
Kiev using Holodomor to divert attention
UNTIED NATIONS, October 28 (RIA Novosti) - Ukraine is using the issue of the 1932-33 famine to divert the nation's attention from the ongoing political and economic crisis, Russia's envoy to the UN said on Tuesday. Ukraine has been seeking international recognition for the Stalin-era famine, known as the Holodomor, as an act of genocide by the Soviet authorities following a similar move by Ukraine's Supreme Rada in late 2006. The United Nations General Committee refused last Thursday to include the famine on its agenda, supporting Russia's recommendation to exclude the Holodomor from the UN session. Said Vitaly Churkin: "The Ukrainian leadership is using this historical humanitarian tragedy for its own political ends, as well as to spread ethnic animosity... and divert the attention of its own people from the ongoing political and economic crisis in Ukraine."
He said the issue was being politicized, as was evident from, among other things, Ukraine's attempt to include the issue in the UN agenda. A senior Ukrainian MP said on Friday that the UN's recognition of the Holodomor would give Kiev legal grounds to claim moral and financial damages from Russia. The European Parliament adopted a resolution on Thursday declaring the famine of 1932-1933, that caused the deaths of millions of Ukrainians, a crime against humanity.
The European Parliament stopped short of using the word "genocide." Its resolution "recognizes the Holodomor (the artificial famine of 1932-1933 in Ukraine) as an appalling crime against the Ukrainian people, and against humanity." According to the resolution, the Holodomor "was cynically and cruelly planned by [Soviet leader Joseph] Stalin's regime in order to force through the Soviet Union's policy of collectivization of agriculture against the will of the rural population in Ukraine." Estimates vary widely as to the number of deaths in Ukraine in the early 1930s caused by the forced collectivization, along with the devastating purges of the Ukrainian intelligentsia, religious leaders and politicians under Stalin. Some sources cite figures of over 7 million. The EU parliament also urged "the countries which emerged following the break-up of the Soviet Union to open up their archives on the Holodomor in Ukraine of 1932-1933 to comprehensive scrutiny so that all the causes and consequences can be revealed and fully investigated."
He said the issue was being politicized, as was evident from, among other things, Ukraine's attempt to include the issue in the UN agenda. A senior Ukrainian MP said on Friday that the UN's recognition of the Holodomor would give Kiev legal grounds to claim moral and financial damages from Russia. The European Parliament adopted a resolution on Thursday declaring the famine of 1932-1933, that caused the deaths of millions of Ukrainians, a crime against humanity.
The European Parliament stopped short of using the word "genocide." Its resolution "recognizes the Holodomor (the artificial famine of 1932-1933 in Ukraine) as an appalling crime against the Ukrainian people, and against humanity." According to the resolution, the Holodomor "was cynically and cruelly planned by [Soviet leader Joseph] Stalin's regime in order to force through the Soviet Union's policy of collectivization of agriculture against the will of the rural population in Ukraine." Estimates vary widely as to the number of deaths in Ukraine in the early 1930s caused by the forced collectivization, along with the devastating purges of the Ukrainian intelligentsia, religious leaders and politicians under Stalin. Some sources cite figures of over 7 million. The EU parliament also urged "the countries which emerged following the break-up of the Soviet Union to open up their archives on the Holodomor in Ukraine of 1932-1933 to comprehensive scrutiny so that all the causes and consequences can be revealed and fully investigated."
The Holodomor (Ukrainian: Голодомор) is the famine that took place in Soviet Ukraine during the 1932-1933 agricultural season when the devastating famines also took place in several other regions of the USSR. The Holodomor ravaged the rural population of the Ukrainian SSR, and is considered one of the greatest national catastrophes to affect the Ukrainian nation in modern history.[1][2][3][4] Estimates for the total number of casualties within Soviet Ukraine range between 2.2 million (demographers' estimate)[5] [6] and 3-3.5 million (historians' estimate),[7][8][9] though much higher figures are often quoted by the media and cited in political debates.[10] On the other hand, the Encyclopedia Britannica reports that Ukraine suffered a severe famine in 1932–33 where more than five millioninhabitants of Ukraine[12] died of starvation in an unprecedented peacetime catastrophe.Much higher figures, even as high as 20 million casualties, are often quoted in political debates. The European Parliament has recognized it as a crime against humanity in 2008.The causes of the famine are the subject of current scholarly and political debate. Some historians claim the famine was purposely engineered by the Soviet authorities as an attack on Ukrainian nationalism, while others view it as an unintended consequence of the economic problems associated with radical economic changes implemented during the period of Soviet industrialization There is no international consensus among scholars or politicians on whether the Soviet policies that caused the famine fall under the legal definition of genocide however, as of March 2008, the parliament of Ukraine and the governments of several other countries have recognized the actions causing Holodomor as an act of genocide.
The plan for the state grain collection in the Ukrainian SSR adopted for 1931 was over-optimistic — 510 million poods (8.4 Tg). Drought, administrative distribution of the plan for kolkhozes, together with the lack of relevant management generally destabilized the situation. Significant amounts of grain remained unharvested. A significant percentage was lost during processing and transportation, or spoiled at elevators (wet grain). The total Winter sowing area shrunk by approximately 2 million hectares. Livestock in kolkhozes remained without forage, which was collected under grain procurement. A similar occurrence happened with respect to seeds and wages awarded in kind for kolhoz members. Nevertheless, grain collection continued till May 1932 but reached only 90% of expected plan figures. By the end of December 1931, the collection plan was accomplished by 79%. Many kolkhozes from December 1931 onwards suffered from lack of food, resulting in an increased number of deaths caused by malnutrition registered by OGPU in some areas (Moldavian SSR as a whole and several central rayons of Vinnytsya, Kiev and North-East rayons of Odessa oblasts [24] ) in winter-spring and the early summer months of 1932. By 1932 the sowing campaign of the Ukrainian SSR was obtained with minimal draught power as most of the remaining horses were incapable of working, while the number of available agricultural tractors was too small to fill the gap.
The Government of the Ukrainian SSR tried to remedy the situation but had little success. Administrative and territorial reform (oblast creation) in February 1932, also added to the mismanagement. As a result Moscow had more details about the seed situation than the Ukrainian authorities. In May, 1932, in a desperate effort to change the situation, the central Soviet Government provided 7.1 million poods of grain for food for Ukraine and dispatched adsitional 700 agricultural tractors intended for other regions of USSR.
By July, the total amount of aid provided from Central Soviet Authorities for food, sowing and forage for “agricultural sector” was numbered more than 17 million poods.
Speculative prices of food in cooperative network (5-10 times more as compared with neighboring Soviet republics) brought significant peasant “travel for bread”, while attempts to handle situation with speculation had very limited success. Such provision (quota on carried-on foods) was lifted by Stalin (at Kosior's request) at the end of May 1932. The July GPU reports for the first half of 1932, mentioned the “difficulties with food” in 127 rayons (out of 484) and acknowledged the incompleteness of the information for the regions. The Decree of Sovnarkom on “Kolkhoz Trade” issued in May, fostered rumors amongst peasants that collectivization was rolled-back again as it had been in spring 1930. The number of peasants who abandoned kolkhozes significantly increased.
As a result, the government plans for the central grain collection in Ukraine was lowered by 18.1%, in comparison to the 1931 plan. Still, collective farms were expected to return return 132,750 tons of grain which had been provided in spring 1932 as aid. The grain collection plan for July 1932 was adopted to collect 19.5 million poods. The actual state of collection was disastrous, and by 31 July only 3 million poods (compared to 21 million in 1931) were collected. As of July 20 the harvested area was half of that in 1931. The sovhozes had only sowed 16% of the defined area.
Since July 1932 Ukrainian SSR met with difficulty in supplying the planned amount of food to rationing system was implemented in early 1928 to supply extensively growing urban areas with food. This system became the almost sole source of food delivery to cities while the alternatives, cooperative trade and black market trading, became too expensive, and under-supplied, to provide long-range assistance. By December 1932, due the fault of grain procurement daily rationing for rural population limited to 100-600 grams of bread, some group of rural citizens completely withdrawn from rationing supply. [25] [26]
This disparity between agricultural goals, and actual production grew later in the year. An expected 190 thousand tons of grain were to be exported, but by August 27, 1932, only 20 thousand tons were ready. By October 25, the plan for grain collection was lowered once again, from the quantity called for in the plan of August 22, 1932. Nevertheless, collection reached only 39% of the annually planned total.[34] A second lowering of goals deducted 70 million poods but still demanded plan completion, and 100% efficiency. Attempts to reach the new goals of production proved futile in late 1932. On November 29, in order to complete the plan, Ukraine was to collect 94 million poods, 4.8 of them from sovkhozes. As of January 2, targets were again lowered, to 62.5 million poods. Later that month, on January 14,the targets were lowered even further– by 29.4 million poods, to 33.1 million. At same time, GPU of Ukraine reported hunger and starvation in the Kiev and Vinnytsia oblasts, and began implementing measures to remedy the situation. The total amount of grain collected by February 5 was only 255 million poods (compared to 440 million poods in 1931) while the numbers of “hunger and malnutrition cases” as registered by the GPU of Ukrainian SSR, increased every day.
The Government of the Ukrainian SSR tried to remedy the situation but had little success. Administrative and territorial reform (oblast creation) in February 1932, also added to the mismanagement. As a result Moscow had more details about the seed situation than the Ukrainian authorities. In May, 1932, in a desperate effort to change the situation, the central Soviet Government provided 7.1 million poods of grain for food for Ukraine and dispatched adsitional 700 agricultural tractors intended for other regions of USSR.
By July, the total amount of aid provided from Central Soviet Authorities for food, sowing and forage for “agricultural sector” was numbered more than 17 million poods.
Speculative prices of food in cooperative network (5-10 times more as compared with neighboring Soviet republics) brought significant peasant “travel for bread”, while attempts to handle situation with speculation had very limited success. Such provision (quota on carried-on foods) was lifted by Stalin (at Kosior's request) at the end of May 1932. The July GPU reports for the first half of 1932, mentioned the “difficulties with food” in 127 rayons (out of 484) and acknowledged the incompleteness of the information for the regions. The Decree of Sovnarkom on “Kolkhoz Trade” issued in May, fostered rumors amongst peasants that collectivization was rolled-back again as it had been in spring 1930. The number of peasants who abandoned kolkhozes significantly increased.
As a result, the government plans for the central grain collection in Ukraine was lowered by 18.1%, in comparison to the 1931 plan. Still, collective farms were expected to return return 132,750 tons of grain which had been provided in spring 1932 as aid. The grain collection plan for July 1932 was adopted to collect 19.5 million poods. The actual state of collection was disastrous, and by 31 July only 3 million poods (compared to 21 million in 1931) were collected. As of July 20 the harvested area was half of that in 1931. The sovhozes had only sowed 16% of the defined area.
Since July 1932 Ukrainian SSR met with difficulty in supplying the planned amount of food to rationing system was implemented in early 1928 to supply extensively growing urban areas with food. This system became the almost sole source of food delivery to cities while the alternatives, cooperative trade and black market trading, became too expensive, and under-supplied, to provide long-range assistance. By December 1932, due the fault of grain procurement daily rationing for rural population limited to 100-600 grams of bread, some group of rural citizens completely withdrawn from rationing supply. [25] [26]
This disparity between agricultural goals, and actual production grew later in the year. An expected 190 thousand tons of grain were to be exported, but by August 27, 1932, only 20 thousand tons were ready. By October 25, the plan for grain collection was lowered once again, from the quantity called for in the plan of August 22, 1932. Nevertheless, collection reached only 39% of the annually planned total.[34] A second lowering of goals deducted 70 million poods but still demanded plan completion, and 100% efficiency. Attempts to reach the new goals of production proved futile in late 1932. On November 29, in order to complete the plan, Ukraine was to collect 94 million poods, 4.8 of them from sovkhozes. As of January 2, targets were again lowered, to 62.5 million poods. Later that month, on January 14,the targets were lowered even further– by 29.4 million poods, to 33.1 million. At same time, GPU of Ukraine reported hunger and starvation in the Kiev and Vinnytsia oblasts, and began implementing measures to remedy the situation. The total amount of grain collected by February 5 was only 255 million poods (compared to 440 million poods in 1931) while the numbers of “hunger and malnutrition cases” as registered by the GPU of Ukrainian SSR, increased every day.
The Holodomor Memorial Website mission is the following:1. To uncover the cause of the Ukrainian Holodomor (famine-genocide) of 1932-1933 through studies of the historical events, social acts, national traits, which were sources of the tragedy.2. To establish a network of Ukrainian scholars directed towards the discovery of the origins of Holodomor -- its political, social and cultural roots, its immediate causes and consequences.3. To establish The Holodomor Memorial Center on the Internet to inform Ukraine and the world about this tragedy.
NOTE:This website is unofficial because at present time it does not belong to an organization, which has a formal status. We plan to become a formal organization in the future.
NOTE:This website is unofficial because at present time it does not belong to an organization, which has a formal status. We plan to become a formal organization in the future.
1. A new approach must be developed if we want to understand the events of the catastrophe of 1932-1933 and to memorialize the perhaps 14 million innocent victims.2. The Holodomor Website through its Internet domain name http://www.HOLODOMOR.org will gather the data, verify the facts, publish studies and thoughts about Holodomor. The information will be coming primarily from Ukraine, from volunteers, supporters, agents, assigns and scholars. Foreign sources will be considered of secondary importance. No effort will be spared to correct the mendacity and injustice of prior reporting, which has compromised the interests of Ukraine and Holodomor survivors for two generations.3. It is assumed that the Ukrainian famine could not have taken place in a society governed by the consent of its people, who share a national spiritual unity and enjoy basic civil rights and freedoms.4. The Holodomor Website seeks answers to these questions: A. How was it possible for a relatively small group of communists to bring many millions of people to starvation in less than 15 months? B. Why was the Ukrainian nation unable to resist an act of life threatening violence on such a colossal scale?The answers may prevent future tragedies by encouraging democracy in Ukraine, and by elevating rational consciousness of its true history, its present duties to Europe, its challenges and its promise as a society.
Εξωτερικές σχέσεις - EYΡΩΠΑΙΚΟ ΚΟΙΝΟΒΟΥΛΙΟ
Συζήτηση για τον ουκρανικό λιμό (Holodomor)
16-10-2008 - 12:06
Εξωτερικές σχέσεις - EYΡΩΠΑΙΚΟ ΚΟΙΝΟΒΟΥΛΙΟ
Συζήτηση για τον ουκρανικό λιμό (Holodomor)
16-10-2008 - 12:06
Ο εορτασμός της μνήμης του Ουκρανικού λιμού, Holodomor, θα αποτελέσει αντικείμενο συζήτησης την ερχόμενη Τετάρτη στην ολομέλεια. Την συζήτηση δεν θα ακολουθήσει η υιοθέτηση κάποιου σχετικού ψηφίσματος.Ο Μεγάλος Λιμός της Ουκρανίας (1932-1933) ή Holodomor υπήρξε μία από τις μεγαλύτερες εθνικές καταστροφές στη σύγχρονη ιστορία της Ουκρανίας και προκάλεσε το θάνατο εκατομμυρίων ανθρώπων. Θεωρείται δε ως συνέπεια της οικονομικής πολιτικής που ακολούθησε η Σοβιετική Ένωση υπό την ηγεσία του Στάλιν και ειδικότερα του προγράμματος κολεκτιβοποίησης που εφάρμοσε. Στις 28 Νοεμβρίου 2006, ο λιμός αναγνωρίστηκε επίσημα από το ουκρανικό κοινοβούλιο ως γενοκτονία και η 25η Νοεμβρίου ορίστηκε ως ημέρα μνήμης του. Αρκετές ακόμη χώρες έχουν επισήμως αναγνωρίσει το λιμό της Ουκρανίας ως γενοκτονία. Να σημειωθεί ότι η Ρωσία απορρίπτει τις κατηγορίες περί γενοκτονίας. Το 2003, ο Ρώσος πρέσβης στην Ουκρανία Viktor Chernomyrdin δήλωσε: "Δεν πρόκειται να απολογηθούμε... Δεν υπάρχει κανένας λόγος για να απολογηθούμε". Το 2003, 70 χρόνια μετά, ο ΟΗΕ χαρακτήρισε το λιμό ως μια από τις χειρότερες αγριότητες της σύγχρονης ιστορίας χωρίς όμως να κάνει οποιαδήποτε αναφορά στη γενοκτονία.
Διαδικασία: ΣυζήτησηΣυζήτηση: 22.10.2008
Ο εορτασμός της μνήμης του Ουκρανικού λιμού, Holodomor, θα αποτελέσει αντικείμενο συζήτησης την ερχόμενη Τετάρτη στην ολομέλεια. Την συζήτηση δεν θα ακολουθήσει η υιοθέτηση κάποιου σχετικού ψηφίσματος.Ο Μεγάλος Λιμός της Ουκρανίας (1932-1933) ή Holodomor υπήρξε μία από τις μεγαλύτερες εθνικές καταστροφές στη σύγχρονη ιστορία της Ουκρανίας και προκάλεσε το θάνατο εκατομμυρίων ανθρώπων. Θεωρείται δε ως συνέπεια της οικονομικής πολιτικής που ακολούθησε η Σοβιετική Ένωση υπό την ηγεσία του Στάλιν και ειδικότερα του προγράμματος κολεκτιβοποίησης που εφάρμοσε. Στις 28 Νοεμβρίου 2006, ο λιμός αναγνωρίστηκε επίσημα από το ουκρανικό κοινοβούλιο ως γενοκτονία και η 25η Νοεμβρίου ορίστηκε ως ημέρα μνήμης του. Αρκετές ακόμη χώρες έχουν επισήμως αναγνωρίσει το λιμό της Ουκρανίας ως γενοκτονία. Να σημειωθεί ότι η Ρωσία απορρίπτει τις κατηγορίες περί γενοκτονίας. Το 2003, ο Ρώσος πρέσβης στην Ουκρανία Viktor Chernomyrdin δήλωσε: "Δεν πρόκειται να απολογηθούμε... Δεν υπάρχει κανένας λόγος για να απολογηθούμε". Το 2003, 70 χρόνια μετά, ο ΟΗΕ χαρακτήρισε το λιμό ως μια από τις χειρότερες αγριότητες της σύγχρονης ιστορίας χωρίς όμως να κάνει οποιαδήποτε αναφορά στη γενοκτονία.
Διαδικασία: ΣυζήτησηΣυζήτηση: 22.10.2008
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